Taking a Closer Look: Celeste Spokesman offers friendly advice to peer
January 20, 1991
The Columbus DispatchGarry South, the communications director for former Gov. Richard F. Celeste, left a two-paragraph letter of advice for Curt Steiner, who assumed a similar position when Gov. George V. Voinovich took office last week.
“Good luck and best wishes as Gov. Voinovich’s communications director,” South wrote.
“You’ll be overworked, underpaid, overextended, understaffed, under informed and — paradoxically — over relied upon while also underappreciated. Other than that, it’s a hell of a job!
“And hey, go easy on us, huh? Remember what savvy old English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon said: ‘Use the memory of thy predecessor fairy and tenderly; for if thou dost not, it is a debt will surely be repaid when thou art gone.’”